Dogs: General’s Best Friend
Harness the loyalty and sacrifice of Warsaken’s most faithful soldiers to turn the tide of battle.

In the chaotic and brutal world of Warsaken, where legions clash and leaders rise and fall, it’s easy to overlook the smaller, less imposing forces amidst the battlefield. Yet, in the shadows of massive war machines and elite soldiers, there lies a breed of warriors whose loyalty and sacrifice are unmatched: the dogs of Warsaken. These canines, though seemingly minor players, possess abilities that can drastically alter the course of battle, making them invaluable assets to any Legion.

As the conflict escalates in Set 002: Savage Escalation, the introduction of the dog subtype brings a powerful new defensive mechanic to the game, offering Generals a unique way to protect their most vital assets. Through the PROTECT mechanic, these loyal companions are ready to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, ensuring that your key forces and structures remain standing in the face of overwhelming odds.

Rusty: Epitome of Bravery

Rusty, ever vigilant and fiercely loyal, is the embodiment of bravery on the battlefield. His unwavering dedication to his squad makes him an indispensable asset in any Legion. Rusty’s PROTECT ability allows him to leap into danger to save his fellow soldiers, sacrificing himself to ensure their survival.

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Rusty, alert and ready, his eyes fixed on the horizon as he stands poised to defend his comrades.

Whenever a fellow soldier unit faces elimination, Rusty’s fierce loyalty is triggered. Rather than watching his comrades fall, Rusty takes their place, effectively absorbing the blow and allowing his squad mates to continue the fight. His ability to shield others at the cost of his own life is a tactical advantage that can turn the tide of battle, making him a must-have for any General who values their soldiers’ lives.

Stone: The Silent Guardian

Stone, with a formidable presence and an aura of unshakable determination, embodies the essence of protection and tactical prowess. Trained to detect and neutralize explosives, Stone brings an additional layer of defense to your Legion. His PROTECT ability functions similarly to Rusty’s, allowing him to sacrifice himself in place of another soldier unit, but his value doesn’t stop there.

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Stone, ever vigilant, his senses honed to detect threats before they materialize, stands as a silent guardian of the battlefield.

Stone is also a key defender of your critical structures. His innate ability ensures that buildings within your Legion, such as Resource Silos or State Media buildings, remain unaffected by the devastating DEMO effect. By preserving these structures, Stone helps maintain your resource flow and strategic communications, both of which are vital for sustaining long-term campaigns.

The PROTECT Mechanic: A Game-Changer

The PROTECT mechanic is a game-changing defensive ability that allows you to sacrifice a unit, like Rusty or Stone, to save another soldier unit from elimination during the battle phase. This mechanic can be used both offensively and defensively, providing flexibility in how you approach each conflict.

Whether you’re attacking with your Legion or defending your territory, PROTECT offers a lifeline for your key units, allowing them to survive encounters that would otherwise spell their doom. In the heat of battle, the ability to keep a critical soldier alive can be the difference between holding your ground or facing a devastating loss.

Honorable Mentions: The Mechanical Canines

In addition to these flesh-and-blood warriors, Warsaken also boasts an array of drones, some of which take the form of fearsome robotic dogs. These mechanical canines bring other unique advantages to the table, even though they lack the PROTECT ability that defines their organic counterparts.

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Sev-R: A cybernetic marvel, Sev-R provides a massive +30 Health boost to your leader, ensuring they can withstand prolonged assaults. With STEALTH capabilities and IMMUNE to the effects of ashes, Sev-R excels at staying hidden while wreaking havoc, especially when faced with forces that lack stealth detection.

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DX-8: Another drone in the shape of a hunting dog, DX-8 specializes in survivability with its IMMUNE status. Though it’s not as defensively versatile as Sev-R, it is constantly on the hunt, a relentless force that can wear down opponents through sustained pressure.

Strategy and Gameplay

At first glance, dogs like Rusty and Stone might seem like minor players, especially since they lack attack value. However, their low cost, quick deployment, and unique ability to PROTECT make them invaluable in advanced strategies.

Consider the following scenarios:

Specialist Sabian: By using PROTECT, you could save a blocking ANTI-NAVAL soldier from elimination. This would allow the soldier to remain in your Legion and continue to block your enemy’s naval units in subsequent turns, maintaining your defensive line.

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Specialist Sabian stands ready, flanked by his loyal canine companions, as the perfect synergy unfolds on the battlefield.

Resource Silo or State Media Building: Stone’s presence ensures that these critical buildings are protected from the DEMO effect. By preserving these structures, you maintain your resource flow and communication channels, both of which are vital for sustaining long-term campaigns.

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A fortified Resource Silo stands tall, its walls impenetrable thanks to Stone’s vigilance.

The Future of Dogs in Warsaken

Looking ahead, the future promises the arrival of more dog units in Set 004, each potentially bringing new abilities and strategies to the battlefield. Given the trend, it wouldn’t be surprising to see dogs with enhanced PROTECT abilities, perhaps expanding to cover new scenarios or even synergizing with other forces in unique ways.

Conclusion: The Power of Loyalty

In Warsaken, dogs are more than just loyal companions—they are strategic assets capable of saving your Legion when it matters most. Their ability to PROTECT key forces and maintain the integrity of your buildings makes them indispensable, especially when facing overwhelming odds. As new dogs join the fray in future expansions, their roles and abilities are bound to evolve, adding even more layers of depth to your strategies.

So next time you’re assembling your Legion, don’t dismiss the dogs as mere filler units. Their loyalty, ability to protect, and potential for synergy can be the difference between a narrow defeat and a glorious victory. Embrace the power of these loyal warriors, and let them lead your Legion to triumph.

For more information on the new cards and mechanics introduced in Set 002: Savage Escalation, visit the Warsaken rules website or join the discussion on the community discord. Ready to add Rusty, Stone, and other loyal units to your collection? Check out the Warsaken shop to secure your deck’s next upgrade.

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