Riding Fast: The Rise of Bike Forces in Warsaken
Bike forces in Warsaken bring speed, agility, and tactical disruption to the battlefield, making them essential units for players looking to outmaneuver their opponents.

The release of Set 002, “Savage Escalation,” has introduced two new Army units that are making a big impact despite their small size: R9 Fury and K1 Velocity. These bikes may be cheap and compact, but don’t let their size fool you they’re fast, versatile, and bring powerful tactical advantages to the battlefield. With quick deployment and abilities that disrupt enemy plans, bike forces are poised to become a favorite in Warsaken strategies.

R9 Fury: The Elusive Decoy

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The R9 Fury roars onto the battlefield with a Turn Timer of 1 and a resource cost of 2 Equipment, making it one of the most affordable Army units to deploy. For a modest 10 Attack and 20 Defense, R9 Fury is not designed to deal massive damage; instead, its value lies in its strategic disruption through its abilities.

EVADE: Taking No Damage in Battle

R9 Fury’s standout ability is EVADE, allowing it to take no damage during battle. This makes R9 Fury an ideal unit for baiting attacks and blocking larger army forces without ever suffering damage in return. By continuously dodging assaults, it can draw fire away from your more critical territories or buildings, forcing your opponent into a frustrating position where they waste a large amount of damage on a target that refuses to be taken down.

PATROL: Unmasking the Hidden

R9 Fury’s secondary ability, PATROL, adds an extra layer of utility. With PATROL, each battle forces a specific enemy soldier or army force to lose stealth. This ability can dismantle enemy plans that rely on covert maneuvers or hidden units, forcing their hand and exposing vulnerable forces that might otherwise have gone untouched. By removing stealth, R9 Fury turns the tables, enabling you to target enemy units that thought they were safe from harm.

K1 Velocity: The Rapid Enforcer

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K1 Velocity is another standout addition to the bike forces introduced in “Savage Escalation.” With an impressive Turn Timer of 0, K1 Velocity deploys instantly, allowing you to act with immediate effect. Its resource cost is 1 Fuel and 1 Equipment, making it an almost effortless addition to your force lineup. For 10 Attack and a beefier 40 Defense, K1 Velocity combines speed with survivability, making it a versatile unit that fits snugly into any strategic plan.

PATROL: Stripping Stealth with Speed

Like the R9 Fury, K1 Velocity carries the PATROL ability, targeting a specific enemy soldier or army force to lose stealth each battle. This makes K1 Velocity another reliable choice for countering stealth-heavy strategies. Whether you’re clearing a path for a decisive attack or just keeping your opponent on their toes, K1 Velocity excels at exposing and neutralizing hidden threats with precision and speed.

DEPLOY: SOLDIER: Reinforcements on Demand

What truly elevates K1 Velocity is its unique ability: 1: DEPLOY : SOLDIER. As soon as K1 Velocity hits the battlefield , you can search your arsenal for a soldier force, reveal it, and add it to your hand, then shuffle your arsenal. This ability provides unparalleled flexibility, allowing you to react to the battlefield situation by quickly bringing in the exact soldier unit you need. Need a sniper to pick off key targets? Or an aid unit to produce more resources? K1 Velocity’s ability ensures you can adapt on the fly, maintaining the momentum and keeping your opponent guessing.

Conclusion: The Future of Bike Tactics

The addition of R9 Fury and K1 Velocity has shown that bike units, while small and fast, can wield a surprising amount of power on the battlefield. With their abilities to evade damage, strip stealth, and even summon reinforcements, these bikes are more than just fast, they’re tactical tools that can shift the flow of a game in your favor. As Warsaken continues to evolve, we can expect to see more bike units join the fray, each bringing new layers of strategy and speed. Get ready to ride fast, disrupt enemy plans, and take control of the battlefield with these swift and cunning units.

For more on how to integrate bike forces into your strategies, visit Warsaken Rules, and to get your hands on the latest bike units, check out the Warsaken Shop. Ready, set, ride!

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